I'm still seeing David. Kind of. I'm no longer all that excited about it though - he's managing wonderfully to kill any excitement I have about him through his general apathy and lethergy.
So, over the past 6 weeks, what with Easter, holidays, his very busy sports schedule, etc; the dates have been few and far between. To give you a sense of just how few and far between; I was due to see him today for the first time in over 2 weeks but he just cancelled. The last guy I dated I was seeing twice a week at this stage so I'm definitely not loving the frequency.
And the frequency is important. I want to see if David is potentially someone for me. To make that assessment I at least need to be seeing him on a somewhat regular basis and hearing from him in between those dates.. I do like him and the dates are great but he never phones, he rarely texts and is completely lastminute.com about arranging to meet. Am I just fooling myself and not facing the inevitable?
And let me tell you about the inevitable. The inevitable being that David is another of the type I seem to meet all the time. In fact my friend Dee once said "Lucy, there are just some emotionally retarded men out there who will never be able for a relationship - and you seem to meet all of them".
Anyway, as I type - pissed off at being cancelled by text at the last minute - I fear I've probably met another emotionally useless one. Time will tell.
If you haven't read my latest post 'I don't', then do it right now (and follow the links)! I feel we have a lot in common...