Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ok, next chapter..

Ok, so sporty David has finally strapped a pair on and dumped me. By text.  An hour before I was due to meet him for a date.

While I can console myself with the knowledge that he clearly wasn't the lovely guy I initially thought he was, gaddammit but it still hurts. Firstly, I really liked him. Secondly, someone treating you so shabbily really doesn't do your confidence a whole lot of good. 

All I can do is add this to the list of hilarious stories that I'll one day regale my wedding guests with and try and summon up the enthusiasm to get back online.  Not today though - I definitely need a bit more licking my wounds time. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

That glimmer is looking a bit dim....

I'm still seeing David. Kind of.  I'm no longer all that excited about it though - he's managing wonderfully to kill any excitement I have about him through his general apathy and lethergy. 

So, over the past 6 weeks, what with Easter, holidays, his very busy sports schedule, etc; the dates have been few and far between. To give you a sense of just how few and far between; I was due to see him today for the first time in over 2 weeks but he just cancelled. The last guy I dated I was seeing twice a week at this stage so I'm definitely not loving the frequency.

And the frequency is important. I want to see if David is potentially someone for me.  To make that assessment I at least need to be seeing him on a somewhat regular basis and hearing from him in between those dates.. I do like him and the dates are great but he never phones, he rarely texts and is completely about arranging to meet.  Am I just fooling myself and not facing the inevitable? 

And let me tell you about the inevitable.  The inevitable being that David is another of the type I seem to meet all the time.  In fact my friend Dee once said "Lucy, there are just some emotionally retarded men out there who will never be able for a relationship - and you seem to meet all of them".

Anyway, as I type - pissed off at being cancelled by text at the last minute - I fear I've probably met another emotionally useless one. Time will tell.